
It’s not just your brushes – it’s also how you hold them:

This free e-book shows how

Tools are wonderful: they let you do great things you couldn’t do without them.

But you need to hold them right.

Otherwise they won’t do what they were made to do.

The problem is, how you hold them is not obvious.

That’s why we wrote Grip:Click here for your free copy

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It’s a free 28-page e-book where you learn the 6 essential tools for stained glass painting and also how you hold them.

One of these tools is the badger blender.

What we discovered is, it helps to hold this brush like this, quite far down the handle:

Grip: 6 essential tools for glass painting and how to hold them so they work wonders for you

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The reason this grip helps is, it encourages you to sweep evenly across your glass and paint.

This helps you remove marks (as opposed to causing them).

Inside this free ebook you’ll see what we do and also learn the grip that works for you: get your copy here